Website instights_

How to view your web score for your website

What are Web Insights?

Web insights are a score given to a website by a third party tool which analyses the sites public code. These tools reveal things like how accessible your site is to people with non-standard device interactions such as using a text to speach program. The insights can also tell you things like how long your site takes to full load all its assest, such as large picture or videos, and if the page performs well on mobile devices vs desktop devices.

Why Should I Check the Insights For My Site?

A websites insights are import to understand to help better the user experience on the site as well ask make sure the site will perform as designed for all users. By reviewing the websites insights you can get a quick and easy to-do list to improve the site without adding any new content. The quicker and more accessible the site, the more users will want to stick around to enjoy the site.

Part of reviewing your insights can be using Web Analytics. Website Analytics are are small pieces of code that run when a user visits the page to help track and understand user behavoir. The small bigs of code can record all sorts of statistics and graphs to help a website owner build better retetniton with their users, smooth out the user experience on the site, and much much more. These web analytics can also provide data for advertisers look to get their product out to the public. By Better understanding what the users do on the site they can target ads to those users to increase the conversion ratio of any given marketing campaign.
